Izzy: It's alright to have best friends. But it's not okay to lie to your friend's! My best friend is Stormy(a.k.a. Autumn), she never lies or keep's secret's I think she is a pretty awesome person, and that is why on this page she is going to write to so your not only hearing this from me.
Stormy: Izzy is a great person she is my closest friend.She is the one I tell everything to.She is the one I can trust.I can rely and depend on her and know that she will not LIE to me.Friends are great to share thoughts and she is beautiful and smart and artistic.Izzy is MY B.F.F!!!!!!!
Izzy: That is very nice, if I had to write something about you I'd write the same thing. If any of you knew Stormy you would just have a ball every time you saw her. I know I do. She is the bestest friend you could ever wish for!!! We are besties and I share everything with her!!! We are two peas in a pod.
Izzy (left) and Autumn ( right) |
Stormy: Izzy you are such a great person.You are a blessing from God and I thank him for putting you in my life.You are my best friend the one who I will go to when I need to talk.We are two peas in a pod!